ShareWare Heaven 5
Shareware Heaven 5 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1) (1995).iso
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178 lines
AIRFLOW.ZIP 38916 03-18-95 This program will help with airflow
| calcuations in duct work.
BCKBK14.ZIP 479103 04-20-95 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0a ASP is program for
| static analysis of simply and multiply-
| supported 2D beams. Accepts structures up
| to 20 supports and moments of inertia,
| including springs hinges, and moment
| connectors. Loads that can be applied are
| concentrated loads, moments uniform loads,
| and ramp loads. Solves for reactions,
| shear, moment, slope, and deflection in
| diagram or text forms. Full mouse support
CAPQUANT.ZIP 124625 06-19-95 CapQuant 9506 constructs Cumulative
| Capability (CC) curves and displays them
| in an interactive graphics mode that
| allows you to read off numerical values by
| moving an on-screen cursor. (Bob
| Obenchain) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CF515.ZIP 167240 08-03-95 Curvefits v5.15 Science Engineering curve
| fitting program. Performs 19 distinct
| curve fits. Automatically selects best
| fits based on correlation coefficient and
| standard error. Built in text file
| conversion. Mouse Driven. Can handle
| virtually unlimited number of data points.
| Graph & Zoom capability Req 286 or better
CLC177.ZIP 62823 04-30-95 DOS command line scientific calculator It
| calculates, evaluates math expressions
| plots graphs, solves equations, outputs
| tables of data, does statistics, reads and
| writes to files and printer (up to 32000
| lines). Bitwise (64 bits) and logical
| operations and base changes (2-36 Includes
| predefined constants with state of the art
| precision. 17 digits. Many help screens.
| Comes with a tutor batch file
CNVRT424.ZIP 82721 07-06-95 Conversions (JM) will convert between
| metric and common measurements, British
| Pounds and US Dollars, and fahrenheit and
| celsius temperatures
DOME350.ZIP 210129 04-18-95 Dome calculates the coordinates and
| connections for Class I geodesic domes
| Supported polyhedron types are the
| Icosahedron, octahedron and tetrahedron.
| Output file formats supported are DXF and
| POV-ray script It also includes an ASCII
| report and spreadsheet format
FAHCEL.ZIP 23904 04-12-95 Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter is a simple
| program to convert between celsius and
| fahrenheit temperatures C source code is
| included
INTEGRAL.ZIP 68949 04-17-95 Integral 1.0 evaluates the definite
| integral of a user-defined function of the
| form y f(x) and optionally plots the
| result. It includes a classic Romberg,
| adaptive Simpson and Newton-Coates, n-
| point Gauss-Legendre, and 15 point Gauss-
| Konrod methods. (C. David Eagle) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
JWORKS22.ZIP 312549 04-18-95 J-Works Version 2.2 ASP is a very fast
| and accurate way to perform load
| calculations to size heating and cooling
| systems. It is intended to be used in
| conjunction with ACCA's Manual J booklet
| It can do a whole house load or a detailed
| room by room load. It includes an
| automated print utility for producing
| formatted hard copies of results. It also
| includes a CFM design utility for sizing
KSTAT4.ZIP 1348085 04-04-95 Kwikstat v4.0. Performs data analysis for
| scientific and business data
MATHMATE.ZIP 235451 05-13-95 Mathmate Demo Advanced Math Analysis
| Provides easy to use math analysis and
| calculations in root finding, integration
| interpolation, approximation, O.D.E non-
| linear systems, eigenvalues, matrix
| algebra and decomposition and more
MATHS.ZIP 112509 03-17-95 MATHS ALGORITHM LIBRARY 50 MALgorithms 1st
| Shareware with demo. Fast, world-tested,
| portable powerful, menu-driven, for
| experts & students who simply MUST solve
| nasty maths rapidly having no time to
| learn. Seconds to enter problems & without
| program skill, friendly MAL fosters
| endless MATHS enthusiasm, a life
MW101.ZIP 71106 06-12-95 MathWORX 1.01 is a calculator with editable
| storage. (Spectra Computer Products)
| (Reg.Fee: $35)
PFACTOR.ZIP 17824 03-30-95 Power Factor Used in laboratories for
| electrical testing You enter the voltage
| freq. you are applying to the circuit, the
| current you need and the power factor you
| require, and it calculates the resistor
| and reactance inductor that is required.
| $1.00 registration fee
PLOTR71.ZIP 128864 07-19-95 PLOTTER v7.1 ASP A scientific data plotting
| and analysis program. This compact
| versatile and easy to use PC AT DOS
| program includes a full screen data editor,
| curve fitting, Fast Fourier Transforms and
| digital filtering. Plot screens can be
| sent to a printer, or can be saved to disk
| in PCX format. Requires at least a CGA
| color monitor. Mouse support. On-line
| instructions Written by Robert Lindsay
PROP20.ZIP 147608 05-06-95 Propeller design and aircraft performance
| for homebuilt experimental aircraft.
| Designs propeller automatically for best
| performance Based on NACA NASA wind tunnel
| test data for 2, 3, and 4 blade propellers.
| Computes pitch diameter, blade chords and
| pitch angles. Also provides airfoil
| coordinates for Clark-Y and R.A.F.-6
| airfoils at every desired blade radius.
| Gives block dimensions for carving any
RISWAL31.ZIP 557663 06-22-95 Design Segmental Retaining Walls 3.01 for
| Gravity Wall or Reinforced Geogrid FREE to
| registered users. Step-by-step proj info,
| elevations, soils, design panelize, and
| geogrid placement. Does engineering Factor
| of Safety analysis base sliding,
| overturning, facia shear bearing capacity,
| geogrid pullout bulging, facia connection,
| & overstress Recursive calcs & optimizes
| costs RISI STONE SYSTEMS (905) 882-5898
SCALC110.ZIP 30007 07-06-95 SCalc is a command line calculator which
| automatically interprets expressions with
| operator precedences Results can be
| formatted as integers real numbers,
| scientific notation, or engineering
| notation
SIM2NL.ZIP 113780 07-19-95 SIM2NL v2.0 ASP Add-in program to integrate
| NONLIN 3.0, a powerful nonlinear multiple
| regression program into SIMSTAT an easy
| and powerful statistical package Mouse
| support, context sensitive help Requires
| Simstat 3.5 and Nonlin 3.0
SIMS35.ZIP 654664 04-24-95 SIMSTAT v3.5d ASP Easy & powerful
| statistics and simulation analysis program
| with mouse support, pulldown menu, context
| sensitive help. Reads Lotus, dBase, ASCII
| SPSS files. Provides descriptive,
| frequency crosstab, breakdown, t-test, GLM
| anova ancova mult. responses, linear,
| nonlinear & multiple regression, time-
| series, nonparametric bootstrap simulation
| analysis. Hi-resolution graphs, weighting,
SYMBOL57.ZIP 131850 05-10-95 Mathomatic V5.7; Symbolic math program This
| program that can automatically solve,
| simplify, combine, and graph algebraic
| equations, etc. Does calculus operations,
| too. Mathomatic is an inexpensive
| alternative to Mathematica
WETH50A.ZIP 583215 03-26-95 Weather Forecaster Graphical Database v5.0a
| Is an integrated package of Forecasting, a
| NEW testing section to assist teachers, a
| Graphable DataBase, snow elevation and
| cloud base calculation, many conversions
| and educational text files. Can enter
| local weather data and graph it for fast
| comparisons. This will NOT run from a CD
| ROM; INSTALL it first. Requires EGA or VGA
| graphics, 640k RAM, and a hard drive
XLCNVERT.ZIP 114527 04-18-95 XL Conversion contains 670 custom functions
| for converting units of measure in XL 5.x.
| Functional areas include temperature,
| velocity acceleration, volume, area, work
| length, weight, and more